Bitcoin has continued to move rapidly without a clear upward or downward movement with the price not yet showing clear signs of stability. The height of the stagnation of the…
Andrew TurnerJuly 16, 2020

Cryptocurrencies have been growing for over a decade now, having so far reached their popularity peak in 2018 when the Bitcoin price quickly hit the $20,000 mark before crashing abruptly.
External TeamJuly 15, 2020

On Monday, the governor of the Bank of England discussed the possibility of having a digital currency for the U.K. central bank.
Kevin J. P.July 15, 2020

Three big blockchain companies, Cosmos, Polkadot, and Terra have teamed up to develop a DeFi savings product that aims to offer reliable interest rates on stablecoin deposits. The product, which…
Kevin J. P.July 15, 2020

Cambridge, UK - Fetch.ai today announced the development and release of software demonstrating novel machine algorithms that will enable developers and enterprises to train machine learning models without sharing any…
External TeamJuly 14, 2020

Tokens are actually an old concept. Indeed, if we think of the original gold notes jewelers gave those depositing precious metals with them, we would realize that tokens were the…
External TeamJuly 14, 2020

The selection of this week’s most interesting coins consists of three cryptocurrency projects that are expected to benefit from the upcoming upgrades, announcements, and other events, both in terms of…
Andrew TurnerJuly 13, 2020