Cryptocurrency News

The Legality Dilemma: Why Crypto Casinos Are Currently Illegal in the UK and What Lies Ahead

By January 24, 2024 No Comments

In recent years, the rise of digital currencies has brought about a significant shift in various sectors, notably in the sphere of online gambling. Crypto casinos, platforms where users can gamble using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others, have emerged as a cutting-edge trend in this space. These casinos leverage the unique features of blockchain technology, such as anonymity, enhanced security, and faster transactions, offering a distinct experience compared to traditional online casinos. This innovative approach to gambling has attracted a growing audience worldwide, drawn by the promise of lower fees, transparency in gaming operations, and the potential for higher returns.

Despite their growing popularity, crypto casinos find themselves in a complex legal landscape in the United Kingdom. As of now, these platforms are not recognized as legal entities under UK gambling laws. The UK Gambling Commission, the regulatory body overseeing gambling activities, requires all operators to have a licence. However, the current regulatory framework does not extend to cryptocurrency-based operations. This gap in legislation creates a murky environment for crypto casinos, placing them in a zone of legal uncertainty. Their status remains unregulated, and thus, effectively illegal within UK jurisdiction, posing challenges both for potential users and for the platforms themselves.

This article aims to delve into the intricate web of legality surrounding crypto casinos in the UK. We will explore the factors contributing to their current illegal status and the challenges they face in this regulatory environment.

Understanding Crypto Casinos

Crypto casinos are online gambling platforms that use cryptocurrencies as their primary medium of transaction. These casinos operate on the principles of blockchain technology, which underpins most digital currencies. In a crypto casino, players can place bets and receive winnings in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and others. The use of blockchain technology ensures that each transaction is recorded in a decentralised ledger, providing transparency and security.

The primary distinction between crypto casinos and traditional online casinos lies in their use of currency and underlying technology. Traditional casinos primarily deal with fiat currencies, such as the dollar, pound, or euro, and are often subject to banking regulations and transaction fees. In contrast, crypto casinos operate with digital currencies, which allows for quicker, more secure transactions and often lower transaction fees. Another notable difference is the level of anonymity offered. Crypto casinos allow users to gamble without divulging as much personal and financial information as traditional online casinos. The facts remain that UK licensed casinos should be played for protection purposes, and you can view the UK’s top 20 online casinos here.

Crypto casinos have garnered significant appeal for several reasons. The anonymity provided is a major draw for users who prefer privacy in their gambling activities. The efficiency and speed of transactions with cryptocurrencies are also significant benefits, as deposits and withdrawals can be processed much faster than traditional banking methods.

The Current UK Gambling Laws

Gambling in the United Kingdom is regulated primarily by the Gambling Act 2005, which established the framework for controlling all forms of gambling, including sports betting, casinos, and lotteries. The Act aims to ensure that gambling is conducted fairly and openly, protect children and vulnerable people, and prevent gambling from being a source of crime or disorder.Operators must verify the identity of players to prevent underage gambling and to ensure that customers gamble within their means.

Despite the comprehensive nature of the UK’s gambling laws, they do not explicitly address the use of cryptocurrencies in gambling. This omission places crypto casinos in a legal grey area. However, the Gambling Commission’s requirement for licensing and regulation of gambling activities implicitly makes unlicensed crypto casinos illegal. The decentralised and anonymous nature of cryptocurrencies complicates compliance with AML and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations, leading to the non-licensure of such platforms. Additionally, the high volatility of cryptocurrencies and the lack of a central regulatory authority for these digital assets make it challenging to ensure consumer protection and fair play, key components of the UK’s gambling regulations.

Traditional online gambling laws in the UK focus on fiat currencies, which are regulated by established financial institutions and governments. These laws ensure that transactions can be traced and monitored for compliance with AML and KYC requirements. While traditional online casinos can operate within the clear boundaries of UK law, crypto casinos struggle to fit into the existing legal framework, primarily due to the challenges in regulating and monitoring cryptocurrency transactions.

Challenges Posed by Crypto Casinos

Crypto casinos, while innovative, pose unique challenges under the current legal and regulatory framework of the UK. These challenges are multifaceted, involving issues related to anonymity, regulation, and broader societal concerns.

Anonymity and Regulation in Crypto Transactions

One of the most significant challenges posed by crypto casinos is the anonymity associated with cryptocurrency transactions. This anonymity can impede the effective implementation of anti-money laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations. Traditional gambling platforms are required to perform rigorous identity checks to prevent fraud, money laundering, and underage gambling. However, the anonymous nature of cryptocurrencies makes it difficult to track the source of funds and the identity of users, leading to a potential increase in illegal activities.

Issues of Money Laundering and Financial Security

The decentralised nature of cryptocurrencies poses a challenge in monitoring and controlling financial transactions to prevent money laundering. Unlike traditional banking systems, where transactions can be monitored by financial institutions, crypto transactions occur on a decentralised network, making oversight more complex. This lack of control increases the risk of crypto casinos being used for money laundering purposes, as it is harder to trace the movement of funds.’s Sponsorship of Football Clubs

An example that highlights the growing influence of crypto casinos in the UK is the sponsorship of major football clubs like Everton and Watford by, a prominent crypto casino and sports betting platform. These sponsorships have brought the issue to the forefront, showing how crypto casinos are seeking legitimacy and mainstream acceptance despite their uncertain legal status. Such sponsorships can be seen as an attempt by crypto casinos to gain public trust and visibility, yet they also raise concerns about promoting gambling platforms that operate outside the traditional regulatory frameworks.

Potential for Underage Gambling and Addiction Risks

Another concern with crypto casinos is the potential for underage gambling. The anonymity provided by cryptocurrencies can make it easier for minors to access gambling platforms, bypassing age verification processes. Additionally, the highly accessible and engaging nature of online gambling, especially when combined with the allure of cryptocurrencies, may increase the risk of gambling addiction. The lack of robust regulatory frameworks for crypto casinos means that there are fewer safeguards to prevent and address problem gambling and to ensure responsible gambling practices.

International Perspective To Crypto Casinos

The global response to crypto casinos varies widely, with some countries embracing them under strict regulations, while others outright prohibit them. This diverse international landscape offers valuable insights and potential lessons for the UK.

Malta, often considered a leader in the online gambling industry, has extended its regulatory framework to include crypto casinos. The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) has implemented specific guidelines for the use of blockchain and cryptocurrencies in gambling. These regulations focus on ensuring transparency, fairness, and compliance with anti-money laundering standards. Similarly, Curacao, another hub for online gambling, has provided a legal framework for crypto casinos. Curacao eGaming grants licences and monitors crypto gambling operators, ensuring they adhere to certain operational standards. These examples show that with robust regulatory measures, the integration of cryptocurrencies in gambling can be managed effectively.

Conversely, countries like China and South Korea have taken a more prohibitive approach. China’s blanket ban on online gambling extends to crypto casinos, aligning with its broader crackdown on cryptocurrencies. South Korea also prohibits online gambling, including crypto-based platforms, largely due to concerns over gambling addiction and potential financial crimes. These examples demonstrate the challenges and complexities associated with regulating this new form of gambling, leading some countries to choose prohibition as a simpler, more effective solution.

The UK can learn from these international experiences. The approach of Malta and Curacao suggests that a regulated environment for crypto casinos is possible, focusing on consumer protection, transparency, and compliance with financial regulations. The experiences of China and South Korea highlight the importance of considering social implications and the potential for misuse. For the UK, a balanced approach might involve developing a specific legal framework for crypto casinos that addresses these unique challenges while allowing for the innovation and growth offered by this new form of gambling. This would involve clear guidelines on transparency, player protection, and financial security, ensuring that the benefits of crypto casinos can be enjoyed in a safe and regulated environment.

The Future Outlook in the UK For Crypto Gambling

Government Stance and Regulatory Discussions

The UK government’s current stance on crypto gambling is one of cautious observation. While there have been no definitive movements to legalise crypto casinos, the rapid growth of digital currencies and their integration into various sectors has not gone unnoticed. Discussions within regulatory bodies, primarily the UK Gambling Commission, hint at a future where crypto gambling might be addressed more directly. The government’s approach is likely to be influenced by a desire to maintain strict standards for gambling operations while acknowledging the evolving landscape of digital currencies.

Expert Opinions and Predictions

Experts in the field of online gambling and blockchain technology offer varied predictions for the future of crypto casinos in the UK. Some foresee a gradual move towards regulation and integration, citing the potential economic benefits and the increasing difficulty of ignoring the crypto trend. Others caution against hasty legalisation, pointing to the challenges in ensuring player protection and compliance with financial regulations. The consensus, however, leans towards eventual regulation rather than outright prohibition, acknowledging the growing user base and technological advancements in this sector.

Impact of Technological and International Policy Changes

The future of crypto casinos in the UK is also likely to be shaped by broader technological advancements and international policy shifts. As blockchain technology becomes more mainstream and user-friendly, it could prompt a reassessment of its role in gambling. Additionally, the UK may take cues from international regulatory models, learning from the successes and failures of other jurisdictions. The increasing global interconnectivity means that decisions made in one country can have ripple effects elsewhere, potentially influencing the UK’s approach to crypto gambling.

Remaining Illegal Seems The UKGC Way

Throughout this article, we’ve explored the extreme nature of crypto casinos, from their operational differences compared to traditional casinos, to their current legal status in the UK, and the varied international approaches to their regulation. The balance between regulation and innovation emerges as a central theme; the UK faces the challenge of integrating the innovative potential of crypto casinos within a regulatory framework that ensures fairness, security, and protection for users. As technology advances and global trends evolve, the UK’s stance on crypto gambling is likely to undergo significant changes. The future of crypto casinos in the UK, therefore, represents a dynamic intersection of technological innovation and regulatory adaptation, signalling a new horizon in the gambling industry.