Cryptocurrency News

Talisman Wallet Introduces Quests App to Gamify Rewards in Polkadot Ecosystem

By June 3, 2024 No Comments
Talisman Wallet

Key takeaways

  1. Talisman Wallet launches the Quests app to enhance user engagement in Polkadot.
  2. Users can earn experience points (XP) and unlock rewards.
  3. The app aims to simplify and make the onboarding process fun for new crypto users.

Talisman aims to bridge the gap between traditional finance and decentralized finance by making blockchain technology more accessible. The ultra-secure multi-chain crypto wallet known for its speed, security, and user-friendly interface has introduced Talisman Quests. It is a new feature designed to gamify user rewards and enhance engagement within the Polkadot ecosystem.

About Talisman

Founded in 2021, Talisman is a multi-chain crypto wallet that allows users to store, send, receive, stake, and swap Polkadot and Ethereum-based digital assets. The wallet is designed to make web3 simple for beginners while providing advanced features for experienced users.

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Talisman Quests aims to provide a fun and educational experience

Talisman Quests is designed to encourage users to create profiles and progress through different levels by earning experience points (XP) and unlocking rewards. The app gamifies the user journey with an unfolding story, making the learning process engaging and interactive.

“One of the biggest barriers to blockchain adoption is understanding where to start and how to navigate the sometimes dizzying world of web3. With our new Quests app, we are making onboarding fun and rewarding, incentivizing users to explore all of the interesting projects and apps this space has to offer.”

—Jonathan Dunne, Co-Founder & Head of Technology at Talisman

How Talisman Quests work

Users can earn XP through various activities:

  • Wallet Mining: Holding tokens in the wallet generates rewards that correspond to the token type. Staking activities also provide XP multipliers.
  • Quests: Completing cross-ecosystem missions helps users earn XP, boosted points, and additional rewards.
  • Referrals: Users can earn 5% of any friend’s total XP when they sign up using a referral link.

Each month, Talisman will introduce a new top rank, pushing users to achieve higher levels as they uncover the app’s hidden story and ultimate rewards.

Jonathan Dunne explained that Quests were designed to be both engaging and educational, helping users explore the Polkadot ecosystem by interacting with real applications and assets to enhance their learning experience effectively.


Talisman’s launch of Talisman Quests is merging the excitement of gaming with blockchain technology. It enables users to earn rewards through a gamified experience, encouraging them to delve deeper into Talisman’s multi-chain crypto wallet. By completing various tasks, users can accumulate experience points and unlock new levels. This initiative promises to attract more users within the Polkadot ecosystem.