Launched in July 2018, the BitBall Ecosystem consists of BitBall (BTB), new Defi token BallSwap (BSP) and Treasure token BitBall Treasure (BTRS):
- https://BitBall-BTB.com
- Official website
- https://BallSwapper.com
- Dex Swapper to be launched.
- https://BitBall-dex.com
- Decentralized exchange
- https://BitBall-Barter.com
- Ebay like Ebarter platform based on crypto
Bitball Ecosystem launches new Defi token: BallSwap (BSP)

Ballswap will be the governance token for the new dex swapper ballswapper.com with added features like farming.
Ballswap on Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xa1454f9c704af96636f3a7532b9a04c411f85680
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitBallSwap
Current Event: Ballswap #BSP trading competition on BitMartExchange exchange. $2,000 worth of $BSP in prizes.
Ends 19th March 2021.
Launched by BitBall’s partner BitMart, Ballswap was launched through Shooting Star offering. Shooting Star simplifies the listing process for high-valued blockchain projects and provides users with relatively favorable rules.
Shooting star launch was a record-breaking success with BSP distributed to 5000 participants under 1 minute of launch.
Next update on Ballswap: AMA session on #Bitmart exchange WeChat & Telegram community
Telegram chat group: 11 March in English WeChat chat group: 12 March in Chinese
All the questions regarding #Ballswap & our #defi platform launch will be answered there.
Join & share $600 worth of #BSP in both session.
About BitBall
BitBall launched in August 2018. The team aims to become a cryptocurrency accepted as a means of payment in real-life multi-function scenarios. Bitball’s mission is to build an ecosystem to bridge the gap between digital currencies, exchanges and customers. It started with an online Barter platform for goods & services that facilitates cross-border transactions with a user-friendly interface for international participants based on cryptocurrency and Fiat.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitBall_Erc2
BitBall is intended to be deployed as a means for users on the upcoming Ebarter platform to buy or sell products or services around the world at a low cost. Since its launch, Bitball has developed multiple use cases:
- Cryptocurrencies (BTC, BTB, ETH, BTRS) & Fiat (Paypal) based E-Barter trading platform
- Bitball as a base pair on different exchanges
- Main currency of https://Bitball-barter.com
- Main currency of https://bitball-dex.com
- Much more
The team is committed to opening a traditional cryptocurrency exchange and increasing trader adoption. Based in Australia, Bitball’s mission is to serve as a long-term investment.
About BitBall Treasure
BitBall Treasure (BTRS) describes itself as a Treasure coin, a Store of Value, faster than Bitcoin (a fork of Bitball) with more functionality as a Treasure with a maximum stock of 1 million. BTRS is the only digital currency that can be used to trade treasure items on the Bitball merchandise page.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitBallTreasure
BTRS has a maximum supply of 1 million that will be released in small amounts on some occasions. BitBall Treasure will be used for VIP Sale items on its trading platform. By paying via BTRS, users will save about 20% on transaction costs.
Follow us:
Telegram (BitBall): https://t.me/bitballgroupchat Telegram (BallSwap): https://t.me/ballswap Announcements: https://t.me/Bitball Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/bitballerc20/ Discord channel (New): https://discord.gg/f7sWmJ4 Reddit Community (New): https://www.reddit.com/r/BitBallEcosystem Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCshc0oNpahxoulOhe5WwT-Q Linkedin (New) Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/31422410