Reviews & Ratings

Listing.Help Review: The Premier Agency for Exchange Listings

listing help

For any new cryptocurrency or blockchain project, getting listed on a major crypto exchange is a critical milestone. However, navigating the listing process can be extremely challenging. That’s where experienced listing agencies can provide invaluable assistance.

In this in-depth review, we’ll take a look at why Listing.Help has established itself as the premier option for crypto projects seeking exchange listings. We’ll examine their client results, approach, and advantages over the competition.

Key highlights:

  • Listing.Help has helped over 1,500 projects get listed on leading cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, OKX, KuCoin, and dozens of others.
  • With over seven years in the game and hundreds of happy clients under their belt, Listing.Help knows the ins and outs of the listing process better than virtually anyone.
  • While other firms might promise results, Listing.Help delivers. As the industry’s leading listing agency, they boast a robust network of connections with some of the top people in the exchange industry.

The complexities of the listing process

Getting listed on even a single reputable exchange is no simple feat. Exchanges have strict criteria around project viability, tokenomics, and other factors. Presenting incorrect or insufficient information is a surefire way to get rejected.

Additionally, exchanges typically overcharge projects looking to list directly. There’s also the risk that disputes may not be resolved favorably. As a general rule, especially if you are a smaller project, going at it alone carries major risks.

Working with an inexperienced agency can yield even worse results. Some take large deposits without delivering results or maintaining communication. Worse, projects may get blacklisted from top exchanges due to an agency’s subpar work. With so much at stake, choosing the right partner is critically important.

Exchanges collaborating with Listing.Help
Exchanges collaborating with Listing.Help. Source: Listing.Help

Why work with an established agency like Listing.Help

Seasoned listing agencies offer clear advantages over going solo or risking unproven partners:

  • Insider expertise: Successful agencies understand nuanced exchange criteria that projects often miss. They know what exchanges look for in a listing based on past experience.
  • Optimal packaging: Top agencies help projects develop brand awareness and go-to-market strategy, ensuring all requirements and documentation are in perfect order from the start.
  • Direct exchange connections: By dealing frequently with exchange executives, firms working with Listing.Help attain priority access and get the chance to be listed on Binance, OKX, KuCoin, and other top crypto exchanges.
  • Complementary resources: Reputable agencies provide complementary market-making, marketing support, and other value-adds to boost projects’ chances of approval.
  • Peace of mind: Instead of self-doubt or worrying about scams, clients entrust the process to a trusted, proven partner with legal protections.

Working with an experienced agency maximizes success probabilities while mitigating risks that could threaten an entire project. But with so many options, how do you identify a true market leader? Let’s examine some of Listing.Help’s achievements.

Advantages of the Listing.HelpCompetitor weaknesses
Over 1,500 listings completed successfullyMost have 100 listings or less
Founded in 2017, a pioneering agency in the sectorMany are new, unproven shops
Full transparency about team, clients, processesAnonymous founders and opaque operations
All-inclusive listing packages and long-term supportBasic submission services only
A massive network of market makers, fund backers, and media partnersLimited independent resources

Listing.Help: An industry trailblazer

Founded in 2017, Listing.Help has quickly become crypto’s foremost listing specialist due to an unparalleled track record:

  • 1500+ successful listings: No other agency comes close to this volume of featured placements on top exchanges. Prominent clients include Shiba Inu, Toncoin, and Tether Euro.
  • 98%+ customer satisfaction: As evidenced by a very solid 4.3/5 rating on Trustpilot across numerous reviews.
  • $225 million+ in client savings: By securing more cost-effective terms than direct negotiation, per their website.

Additionally, the company’s reputation is cemented by the team’s prominence within the industry. Founder Sergey Khitrov is a Forbes “30 Under 30” entrepreneur. Listing.Help also organizes the massive annual Blockchain Life conference series attended by thousands worldwide.

Clearly, this is an organization with the proven processes, relationships, and institutional backing to shepherd any project through the listing process effectively. But don’t just take our word – here’s what satisfied customers have said.

Authentic client testimonials

Read what past clients say on sites like Trustpilot and Cryptwerk. As a rule of thumb, you should be wary of firms with no reviews or poor feedback. Listing.Help has received reviews such as:

“These guys helped me with listing support, especially as my project didn’t have a huge budget for promotion.”

“This expertise transformed a potentially challenging process into a smooth and successful operation.”

It’s also telling the company welcomes public feedback yet faces no egregious complaints after helping hundreds of projects.

Listing.Help’s prominent clients
Some of Listing.Help’s prominent clients. Source: Listing.Help

A superior approach versus competition

While other listing agencies exist, none deliver such a well-rounded value proposition as Listing.Help:

Hands-on guidance

The team works closely with clients from the initial strategy through supported exchange operations post-launch.

Priority access

With direct executive contacts, projects bypass typical queues for faster outcomes.

Unmatched terms

Listing.Help clients regularly secure more cost-effective offerings than direct or other agency routes.

Integrated resources

Proprietary market makers and business partners optimize new listings’ potential from day one.

Total transparency

The public team maintains communication, documentation standards, and contractual protections that are missing elsewhere.

In sharp contrast, other firms generally exhibit some combination of weaker results, anonymity, murkier processes and terms, or inconsistent client care. For groundbreaking cryptocurrency ventures, only the finest partner will do.

The bottom line: Why Listing.Help is the clear leader

To summarize the core reasons for Listing.Help deserves utmost consideration:

  • An unrivaled trove of successful listings spanning dozens of exchanges
  • Near-perfect satisfaction across numerous public reviews
  • Unmatched industry influence through events and executives reached
  • A fully-integrated in-house approach and proprietary resources
  • Total transparency and a commitment to clients before and after listings
  • Substantial financial savings and free additional trading pairs
  • A public team and institutional backing focused solely on results

As the crypto sector evolves at a blistering pace, only the market’s most well-established listing powerhouse can be trusted to effectively guide crucial exchange partnerships. For new or existing projects, Listing.Help has proven time and again to be the obvious choice.

Leveraging Listing.Help‘s expertise maximizes any venture’s potential for success. We confidently recommend their services to all projects serious about taking that next big step. The results, and reception from clients and peers alike, speak for themselves.