Hiro Ando Enters the Metaverse with the Samurai Cats NFTs

By January 3, 2022 No Comments

If there’s anything that made the headlines as much as the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, it’s definitely non-fungible tokens (NFT). At first, many people were skeptical about what the hype was all about, but all doubts got erased once news broke about NFTs getting sold for millions of dollars.

Essentially, NFTs can be anything digital. This includes music, videos, and GIFs. There’s also virtually no barrier to entry, as anyone can buy and sell NFTs. However, much of the hype revolves around using this new technology to sell digital art.

It’s worth noting that NFTs don’t only attract those who know their way around cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. In fact, many artists are starting to realize the potential of NFTs in terms of expanding their reach.

Case in point is Hiro Ando, one of Japan’s most acclaimed contemporary artists. Hiro began his career in Tokyo in 1995, working primarily as an illustrator. He branched out into other forms of media, including sculptures and paintings, for which he has become best known.

With themes that merge traditional and contemporary Japanese culture, Hiro’s masterpieces prove to be unique, compelling, and irresistible to many of his fans. In 2005, he co-founded the Neo pop artist collective studio called Crazy NOOdles with fellow artist Saori Nakamishi. Now, Hiro enters the world of blockchain technology with Samurai Cats NFTs.

What are Samurai Cats?

Samurai Cats NFTs consist of a unique digital collection by Hiro Ando. It’s the first NFT collection by the Crazy NOOdle Gang, featuring one of Hiro’s most iconic creations, the Samurai Cat.

A total of 4,747 Samurai Cats NFTs are available, each of which is randomly generated from more than 300 layers of handmade drawings by Hiro and the Crazy NOOdle Gang. The Samurai Cats have distinctive outfits, colors, and faces that embody a multitude of Japanese culture representations.

Thanks to the Samurai Cats NFTs, Hiro’s fans all across the globe finally have a chance to own one of his works of art. What’s more, you are granted full ownership and commercial use rights upon minting the NFT.

Existing owners of Hiro’s physical artworks were given a free NFT. Among his biggest followers is American DJ and record producer, Steve Aoki. Steve owns SamuraiCat Blu and frequently features it in Aoki’s Playhouse.

Be a Part of Samurai Cats Nation

Once you own a Samurai Cat NFT, you can enjoy a range of benefits. Your NFT membership provides access to the exclusive Galerie Club and invitations to events and members-only auctions. You’ll also be among the first to join private drops of new collections from the next generation of artists from the Crazy NOOdle Gang.

If that’s not enough, you can even share your ideas with the artists and discuss what direction the gang should go next. Not only do you have a chance to be a collector of Hiro’s artworks, but you can share your artistic spirit at the same time.

If you’re looking for new NFTs to start investing in, you can’t go wrong with joining the Samurai Cats Nation. Head over to OpenSea to sift through the collection. Join the Discord channel and follow on Twitter to stay updated about the project.