Credmark, a DeFi risk modelling platform, is launching its first consumer facing product, SmartPool, on July 19th as a limited release. The new tool is powered by a model that will allow the user to select their risk preference when deploying capital to Uniswap. The initial product is being released as a Beta via Discord which will allow the early adopter community to participate in a bug bounty and validate the extensive, internal testing the team has conducted.
As mentioned by both founders, Momin Ahmad in a recent tweet thread and Neil Zumwalde in his latest blog post, Uniswap V3 presents some unique challenges to users that greatly increase the risk they face. With SmartPool, Credmark hopes to make their experience more streamlined and accessible so that they are able to manage these risks.
Ahmad explained his outlook for the product.
“The fact is that Uniswap V3 is hard to use. This sentiment is echoed online – in our community, in other communities, from investors and friends in DeFi. We’re tackling that with Smartpool. The tool automatically chooses parameters based on the assets the user wants to use and the amount of risk the user is willing to tolerate. This reduces everything to a few simple decisions.”
The Credmark team is also using the Beta test to collect real time data on positions created. Uniswap V3 is a very new tool, having launched in May 5th of this year. The team will publish their research illustrating the effectiveness of Credmark’s products against other tools in the ecosystem that have specifically targeted Uniswap V3. The team plans on using the tool to further demonstrate their expertise in risk management in DeFi through data, research, and analysis.
Credmark will augment the Smartpool tool with additional models and metrics prior to a broader product launch. Once live, the team will release regular updates to the tool while continuing work on a developer platform. The platform will make high-fideltiy data available to a decentralized community of model developers. Developers will be able to make their models publicly available in exchange for rewards.
Credmark also recently launched their CMK token on Uniswap V3- it is a utility token that will be used for governance and model staking with the release of their platform.
Originally a crypto credit data company, Credmark’s novel platform addresses data integrity issues in DeFi by aggregating and normalizing data. The team has identified a way to provide high integrity, institutional grade risk tools to retail users. The CMK token will be used to govern network parameters, incentivize model developers and other contributors, and secure the system via staking lockups.