Ondo Finance ONDO
Ondo Finance Price Change 24H Change 7D Change 1M Change YTD Market Cap Volume 24H Circ. / Max Supply
$0.5550 -3.00% -13.96% -16.01% 144.78% $771.26 M (#69) $803.27 M 1.39 B / 10.00 B -
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Ondo Finance Price Prediction

Disclaimer: Predictions are not an investment advice. The information provided on this prediction page is for general information purposes only. No information, materials, services and other content provided on this page constitute a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or any financial, investment, or other advice. Seek independent professional consultation in the form of legal, financial, and fiscal advice before making any investment decision. Our automated risk checks are for informational purposes only, a cryptocurrency which passes all our checks, however, is not 'risk free'. Read the full disclaimer here.

Ondo Finance Predictions For Next Week, Month, and Years Based on Historical Performance

Created with Highstock 5.0.1410. Aug12. Aug14. Aug16. Aug18. Aug20. Aug22. Aug24. Aug26. Aug28. Aug30. Aug1. Sep3. Sep5. Sep13. Sep$0.5000$0.6000$0.7000$0.8000$0.9000
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Ondo Finance Price $0.5550
7-Day Prediction $0.8241 (48.64%)
1-Month Prediction $1.82 (228.46%)
3-Months Prediction $1.92 (246.00%)
6-Months Prediction $1.56 (180.57%)
1-Year Prediction $1.48 (166.72%)


  • Uptrend expected in the next 7 days
  • Trading at 228.46% below our estimate next month
  • Price is predicted to grow 246.00% in 3 months
  • Growth of 180.57% is expected in 6 months
  • Our 1-year prediction shows 166.72% growth

Risk Analysis

Our risk checks have not detected risks, however, this does not mean it's risk free.

Ondo Finance is currently trading at $0.5550 after losing -13.96% in the last 7 days. According to our price prediction, the price of ONDO will rise by 48.64% in the next 7 days and reach $0.8241. The long-term forecast for Ondo Finance is bullish, as our Ondo Finance price prediction estimates that the ONDO price will reach $1.48 1 year from now, which would represent a 166.72%

ONDO Price Prediction based on Worldwide Money Flows

Comparing the size of the cryptocurrency market to the money supply can provide an interesting perspective. The predictions in this section are based on comparing the total cryptocurrency market cap with the size of different money supply types: M0, M1 and M2. If a greater percentage of money flows into crypto, Ondo Finance would likely be worth the indicated amount (assuming it maintains its current market share).

M0 Money Worldwide In The Crypto Market - Prediction up to $0.3249

Created with Highstock 5.0.14Jul '24$0.0000$1$2
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  • Price can increase to $0.3249

Risk Analysis

  • Price could drop to $0.3249 if M0 crypto market share drops to 32%

The M0 money supply is the total of all physical currency, plus accounts at the central bank which can be exchanged for physical currency. Currently, the total cryptocurrency market cap is at 23.35% of the M0 money supply. If the crypto market cap were equivalent to 32% of the M0 supply and Ondo Finance had the same share of the cryptocurrency market as today, ONDO would be trading at $0.3249.

M1 Money Worldwide In The Crypto Market - Prediction up to $1.83

Created with Highstock 5.0.14Jul '24$0.0000$1$2
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  • Price can increase to $1.83

Risk Analysis

  • Price could drop to $0.4565 if M1 crypto market share drops to 8%

The M1 money supply consists of M0 plus the amount in demand accounts, including "checking" or "current" accounts. The total crypto market cap is equivalent to 4.15% of the M1 money supply. At 32%, the price of Ondo Finance would be $1.83.

M2 Money Worldwide In The Crypto Market - Prediction up to $4.62

Created with Highstock 5.0.14Jul '24$0.0000$3$5
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  • Price can increase to $4.62

Risk Analysis

  • Price could drop to $0.2886 if M2 crypto market share drops to 2%

The M2 money supply measures M1 plus most savings accounts, money market accounts, and certificate of deposit (CD) accounts of under $100,000. The total crypto market cap is 1.64% of the size of the current M2 supply. If it represented 32% of the M2 supply, Ondo Finance would be valued at $4.62.

Comparison of Worldwide Money Flow Predictions

Description Crypto market % of the worldwide market Price of Bitcoin when X% of Total M# money flows into the Crypto Market and Bitcoin keeps its current Market Share. The X% value is represented below.
1% 2% 4% 8% 16% 32%
M0 23.35% -98.17% $0.0102 -96.34% $0.0203 -92.68% $0.0406 -85.36% $0.0812 -70.73% $0.1624 -41.46% $0.3249
M1 4.15% -89.72% $0.0571 -79.44% $0.1141 -58.87% $0.2282 -17.75% $0.4565 64.50% $0.9129 229.01% $1.83
M2 1.64% -74.00% $0.1443 -47.99% $0.2886 4.01% $0.5772 108.02% $1.15 316.04% $2.31 732.09% $4.62

Data Used to make These Ondo Finance Predictions

Total amount of money in Crypto market $1,915,005,165,154.00
Total amount of money in Ondo Finance $771,255,735.13
Current Ondo Finance price $0.5550
Ondo Finance Market Share 0.04%
Estimated M0 Money Worldwide $6,700,000,000,000.00
Estimated M1 Money Worldwide $37,652,906,350,000.00
Estimated M2 Money Worldwide $95,226,917,140,000.00

The ONDO price prediction is based on several pieces of data. Ondo Finance currently has a market cap of 771.26M and is currently trading at $0.5550. This means that Ondo Finance represents 0.04% of the $1.92 T total cryptocurrency market cap. The predictions based on worldwide money flows use available estimates of the M0, M1 and M2 money supplies.

Yearly Bitcoin Prections for 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028 based on Historical Tech Sector Growth

Comparing the growth of Ondo Finance to the growth of other important technological innovations is one way of estimating what the future has in store for ONDO. In this section, we compare Ondo Finance with historical growth trends of the internet, Google, Facebook, and the mobile phone market in their adoption phases.

Growth of Internet (in its adoption phase 1995 - 2017) - Prediction up to $0.6585

Created with Highstock 5.0.14Jul '24202520262027202820292030$0.0000$1$2
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  • Target for next year is $0.3061
  • Price is predicted to grow 18.66% in the next 4 years

Risk Analysis

Our risk checks have not detected risks, however, this does not mean it's risk free.

If Ondo Finance were to grow at the same rate as the internet did in its adoption phase, the price of Ondo Finance one year from now would be $0.3061. Assuming the trend would continue at the same pace, the 2-year target would be $0.3951, and the price 4 years from now would be $0.6585.

Growth of Goolge (in its adoption phase 2000 - 2015) - Prediction up to $1.41

Created with Highstock 5.0.14Jul '24202520262027202820292030$0.0000$2$4
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  • Target for next year is $0.3700
  • Price is predicted to grow 153.51% in the next 4 years

Risk Analysis

Our risk checks have not detected risks, however, this does not mean it's risk free.

If Ondo Finance followed the same growth trajectory as Google did between 2000 and 2015, ONDO would hit a price of $0.3700 one year from now. Long-term targets in this scenario would be $0.5775 in 2 years and $1.41 in 4 years.

Growth of Facebook (in its adoption phase 2004 - 2016) - Prediction up to $5.74

Created with Highstock 5.0.14Jul '24202520262027202820292030$0.0000$20$40
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  • Target for next year is $0.5259
  • Price is predicted to grow 934.40% in the next 4 years

Risk Analysis

Our risk checks have not detected risks, however, this does not mean it's risk free.

If Ondo Finance grew price at the same pace as Facebook did between 2004 and 2016, we would see a Ondo Finance price of $0.5259 one year from now. Assuming that Ondo Finance would maintain the same pace of growth for a longer period of time, ONDO would hit $1.17 in 2 years and $5.74 in 4 years.

Growth of Mobile Phone (in its adoption phase 1993 - 2013) - Prediction up to $0.6366

Created with Highstock 5.0.14Jul '24202520262027202820292030$0.0000$1$2
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  • Target for next year is $0.3035
  • Price is predicted to grow 14.71% in the next 4 years

Risk Analysis

Our risk checks have not detected risks, however, this does not mean it's risk free.

If Ondo Finance’s growth trajectory were to match the growth of the mobile phone market between 1993 and 2013, the price of ONDO would be $0.3035 one year from now. In this scenario, the Ondo Finance price in 2 years would be $0.3885, while the 4-year target would be $0.6366.

Growth of Bitcoin (in its adoption phase 2009 - 2021) - Prediction up to $7.61

Created with Highstock 5.0.14Jul '24202520262027202820292030$0.0000$25$50
Binance Trade on Binance


  • Target for next year is $0.5642
  • Price is predicted to grow 1,270.66% in the next 4 years

Risk Analysis

Our risk checks have not detected risks, however, this does not mean it's risk free.

In a scenario where Ondo Finance would follow the same pace of growth as Bitcoin between 2009 and 2021, ONDO would reach a price of $0.5642 one year from now. If it followed Bitcoin’s trajectory for a longer time period, Ondo Finance would be worth $1.34 2 years from now and $7.61 4 years for now.

Comparison of Predictions Based on Tech Sector Growth

Prediction Method 202520262027202820292030
Internet Growth -44.85% $0.3061 -28.80% $0.3951 -8.08% $0.5101 18.66% $0.6585 53.19% $0.8502 97.77% $1.10
Google -33.33% $0.3700 4.06% $0.5775 62.42% $0.9014 153.51% $1.41 295.68% $2.20 517.58% $3.43
Facebook -5.24% $0.5259 110.21% $1.17 366.30% $2.59 934.40% $5.74 2,194.62% $12.73 4,990.15% $28.25
Mobile Phone -45.32% $0.3035 -30.00% $0.3885 -10.39% $0.4973 14.71% $0.6366 46.83% $0.8149 87.96% $1.04
Bitcoin 1.67% $0.5642 141.97% $1.34 475.90% $3.20 1,270.66% $7.61 3,162.20% $18.10 7,664.11% $43.09

In the best-case scenario, the price of Ondo Finance would match the growth of the Facebook sector and hit a price of $5.74 6 years from now – a 4,990.15% increase compared to the current price of ONDO. Among the sectors we cover, the most conservative long-term scenario would be if Ondo Finance was to follow the trajectory of the Mobile phone sector. In this case, the price of Ondo Finance 6 years from now would be $0.6366 (87.96% higher than the current price).

Data Used to make These Bitcoin Predictions

YearMAUMultiplierYoY Growth
YearSearches in millionsMultiplierYoY
YearUsers in MillionsMultiplier% of World PopulationMultiplier Percent
December, 1995160.4
December, 199636225.00%0.9225.00%
December, 199770194.44%1.7188.89%
December, 1998147210.00%3.6211.76%
December, 1999248168.71%4.1113.89%
December, 2000361145.56%5.8141.46%
August, 2001513142.11%8.6148.28%
July, 2002569110.92%9.1105.81%
September, 2002587103.16%9.4103.30%
September, 2003677115.33%10.6112.77%
December, 2003719106.20%11.1104.72%
December, 2004817113.63%12.7114.41%
December, 20051,018124.60%15.7123.62%
Dec, 20061,093107.37%16.7106.37%
Dec, 20071,319120.68%20119.76%
Dec, 20081,574119.33%23.5117.50%
Dec, 20091,802114.49%26.6113.19%
Sept, 20101,971109.38%28.8108.27%
Dec, 20112,267115.02%32.7113.54%
Dec, 20122,497110.15%35.7109.17%
Dec, 20132,802112.21%39109.24%
Dec, 20143,079109.89%42.4108.72%
Dec, 20153,366109.32%46.4109.43%
Dec. 20163,696109.80%49.5106.68%
Mar. 20173,739101.16%49.6100.20%
YearPopulation PenetrationYoYYoY Percent

These Ondo Finance predictions are based on trends in monthly active user (MAU) counts for the relevant sectors. We calculate how the Ondo Finance price would move if it followed the same trajectories as the growth of users participating in the different sectors.

Tabular Bitcoin Price Prediction For Tomorrow, and Next Weeks Based on 30-Day Performance

Date Price Prediction Change
Sep 08, 2024 $0.5545 0.00%
Sep 09, 2024 $0.5843 5.39%
Sep 10, 2024 $0.6228 12.33%
Sep 11, 2024 $0.6698 20.80%
Sep 12, 2024 $0.7222 30.25%
Sep 13, 2024 $0.7742 39.63%
Sep 14, 2024 $0.8241 48.64%
Show More

Based on Ondo Finance’s 30-day performance, we predict that the price of Ondo Finance tomorrow will be $0.5545. Using the same method, the forecast for Ondo Finance’s price next week (7 days from now) is $0.8241. The Ondo Finance price prediction for next month is $1.82, which would be a 228.46% increase in comparison to the current price.

Bitcoin Sentiment is Bearish and Fear & Greed Index Signals Extreme Fear Based on Technical Analysis Indicators

Market sentiment refers to the expectations investors have for future price movements in the market. One of the most popular ways of measuring market sentiment is the Fear & Greed Index, which takes into account various factors like price volatility, trading volume, social media posts, and Google search trends.

Sentiment is Bearish
Bullish 19% Bearish 81%
Fear & Greed Index Signals Extreme Fear
Extreme Greed Extreme Fear


No highlights detected at this time.

Risk Analysis

  • Current sentiment is 'Bearish' which indicates selling pressure
  • Fear & Greed Index at 'Extreme Fear' might signal a price drop

The Fear & Greed Index ranges from “Extreme Fear” when sentiment is at its lowest to “Extreme Greed” when sentiment is at its highest. A “Neutral” reading indicates that investors are not feeling particularly bullish or bearish about the cryptocurrency market. When greed is the prevailing sentiment in the market, this could be an indication that a cryptocurrency is overbought and due for a correction. Conversely, a cryptocurrency could be presenting a good buying opportunity if investors are displaying a lot of fear.

Bitcoin Moving Averages

Period Daily Simple Daily Exponential Weekly Simple Weekly Exponential
MA3 $0.6240 (SELL) $0.6669 (SELL) - -
MA5 $0.6242 (SELL) $0.6806 (SELL) - -
MA10 $0.6483 (SELL) $0.7033 (SELL) - -
MA21 $0.6990 (SELL) $0.7546 (SELL) $0.5508 (BUY) $0.5607 (SELL)
MA50 $0.8059 (SELL) $0.8633 (SELL) - -
MA100 $0.9789 (SELL) $0.9105 (SELL) - -
MA200 $0.8145 (SELL) $0.8847 (SELL) - -

Bitcoin Oscillators

Period Value Action
RSI (14) 26.59 BUY
Stoch RSI (14) - BUY
Stochastic Fast (14) 0.04 BUY
Commodity Channel Index (20) -66.67 NEUTRAL
Average Directional Index (14) 37.90 SELL
Awesome Oscillator (5, 34) -0.10 NEUTRAL
Momentum (10) -0.12 NEUTRAL
MACD (12, 26) 0.00 NEUTRAL
Williams Percent Range (14) -99.96 BUY
Ultimate Oscillator (7, 14, 28) 37.10 NEUTRAL
VWMA (10) 0.63 SELL
Hull Moving Average (9) 0.57 SELL
Ichimoku Cloud B/L (9, 26, 52, 26) 0.70 NEUTRAL

BTC Support Levels

Support Level Price Strength
1 $0.5373 Moderate
2 $0.5202 Strong
3 $0.4920 Very Strong

BTC Resistance Levels

Resistance Level Price Strength
1 $0.5826 Moderate
2 $0.6107 Strong
3 $0.6278 Very Strong

Cryptocurrency traders often make their trading decisions by identifying important resistance and support levels. A resistance level is a price level where there’s likely to be more selling pressure than usual, making it harder for the price to rise above it. Support levels are the opposite concept, and refer to price levels where there’s likely to be stronger buying pressure in the market. Often, traders will try to buy a cryptocurrency at price levels they perceive as support levels, and sell cryptocurrency at price levels they identify as resistance levels.

According to our technical analysis, the current support levels that are significant for Ondo Finance are $0.5373, $0.5202 and $0.4920. Meanwhile, the key ONDO resistance levels are $0.5826, $0.6107 and $0.6278.

Questions & Answers About The Ondo Finance Prediction

What's the Ondo Finance price prediction for the next week?

Our Ondo Finance price prediction for Sep 14, 2024 is $0.8241, which would be an increase of 48.64% compared to the current price.

What's the Ondo Finance price prediction for the next month?

According to our Ondo Finance price prediction, ONDO will be trading at $1.82 1 month from now, up 228.46% from its current price.

How much will be the price of Ondo Finance in one year?

Our Ondo Finance price forecast suggests that ONDO will have a price of $1.48 1 year for now, which would be 166.72% higher than the current price.

Is it profitable to invest in Ondo Finance?

Based on our historical data, buying Ondo Finance 1 year ago was a profitable decision. The price of Ondo Finance has increased by 144.78% since Sep 7, 2023.

Will Ondo Finance price drop / fall?

The Ondo Finance price is expected to drop in the short term. Our current Ondo Finance prediction estimates that ONDO will be trading at $0.8241 1 week from now, which would be 48.64% higher than its current price.

Will Ondo Finance rise again?

In the short term, we don’t expect the Ondo Finance price to increase. According to our technical analysis, ONDO will gain 48.64 and hit a price of $0.8241 7 days from now.

Will Ondo Finance price hit $100,000 in a year?

Our technical analysis forecasts that the Ondo Finance price will not hit $100,000 in a year. The current 1-year ONDO price prediction by our metrics is $1.48. If Ondo Finance follows the growth trajectory of the Facebook sector, its price in 1 year would be $0.5259.

Will Ondo Finance price hit $150,000 in a year?

Our prediction suggests that the price of Ondo Finance will not reach $150,000 one year from now. More specifically, the current 1-year forecast for the price of Ondo Finance is $1.48.

Will Ondo Finance price hit $200,000 in a year?

The Ondo Finance price is not expected to hit $200,000 in a year. The current 1-year ONDO price prediction based on our technical analysis is $1.48.

What will the price of Ondo Finance be 6 years from now?

If Ondo Finance grows at the same rate as the Facebook sector during its adoption phase, the price of ONDO could reach as high as $5.74 6 years from now. If we use the growth of the Mobile phone sector as a more conservative estimate, the price of Ondo Finance 6 years from now would be $0.6366.

What is the current Ondo Finance sentiment?

Based on the Fear & Greed Index, the current sentiment in the Ondo Finance market is Extreme Fear. This reading suggests that ONDO is currently oversold.

Trading and investing in digital assets is highly speculative and comes with many risks. The analysis / stats on CoinCheckup.com are for informational purposes and should not be considered investment advice. Statements and financial information on CoinCheckup.com should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation to buy, sell or hold. Please do your own research on all of your investments carefully. Scores are based on common sense Formulas that we personally use to analyse crypto coins & tokens. We'll open source these formulas soon. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Read the full disclaimer here.

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