Cryptocurrency News

Navigating the Crypto Landscape: How to Spot the Next Big Investment

By June 10, 2024 No Comments
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While many denounced them years back, cryptos have proven to be a solid investment for anyone looking for healthy returns. Bitcoin was one of the highest-performing assets of the 2010s and many altcoins have found themselves high in demand thanks to their price spikes.

However, investors are always advised to diversify their portfolios and with crypto, this means investing in new tokens from time to time. This could prove to be a challenge for some investors who want to know how to find new tokens. The truth is that there are a few steps to take which will help you make the most of your crypto investment journey:

Read Crypto Publications

One of the best ways to know about new tokens on the scene to possibly invest in is to keep your finger on the pulse of the crypto scene. You can easily do this by consistently reading publications dedicated to cryptocurrency. This includes news sites, newsletter platforms, blogs, and much more.

Not only will you hear when a new promising token is on the scene but you will also know what its use cases are, why it is getting so much hype, and what the experts are saying about this. Beyond token recommendations, you will also be a more informed crypto investor overall, which is a good thing.

Check Out Exchange Listings

Before a token can be listed on a major crypto exchange, it has to go through a rigorous vetting process. This is done to protect the users of the platform from shitcoins and other worthless assets. If you’re looking for cryptos to invest in, consider the new or upcoming tokens listed on an exchange.

Beyond finding new tokens, it is also a great way to do research on tokens you already know about and are considering. As Will Macmaster suggests, check out the Coinbase listing, for example, of a token you are considering, and this will tell you the background of the asset, its market cap, and other things you should know.

Leverage the Community

One good thing about the crypto community is that it is very engaged and very vocal about what it supports or doesn’t support. As such, if you are looking for recommendations for what token to invest in, you won’t be lacking in options.

Visit crypto-related forums, follow crypto-focused accounts on social media, and join Telegram groups if you can. These spaces always have ongoing discussions about tokens that are on the rise, tokens to be avoided, and everything in between. Simply saying that you’re looking for new tokens to invest in will likely yield a lot of responses for you.

However, make sure you are engaging with vetted and legitimate communities to avoid getting bad advice.

Look at Top Gainers

At any point in the crypto market, there are tokens that are reporting massive gains and these might not be the tokens that immediately come to mind for you. This is why one way to find new tokens is to track the tokens that have seen the most market gains in the last day, week, month, and so on.

This will require a visit to some crypto market aggregators but should help you get an idea of what tokens are doing well. While doing this, however, make sure to investigate the token to avoid falling prey to a pump-and-dump scheme.

Consider Use Cases

Even if a certain token looks promising and has a lot of hype around it, you need to explore its use cases. The use cases of a token are what will drive demand for it and thus, its market price. If you’re going to get a return on your investment, you need its market price to be as high as possible.

For example, if the token will be accepted at an anonymous casino or to buy things like electronics and clothes, demand for it will be consistent. If the token in question doesn’t have a desirable use case, you are better off staying clear of it.

Look into Presales

While tokens that have just been released on crypto exchanges are still ‘new’ tokens, it is possible to invest in a project even before that through presales. Presales refer to the creators of a token selling it to certain members of the public before it is listed on an exchange.

The idea is that if the token goes on to do well in the market, those who bought it during the presale can make a big profit. This is further bolstered by the fact that presale prices are lower than the exchange prices. On top of this, presales tend to come with additional perks like access to Q and A sessions, free merchandise, live events, and much more. If you are especially convinced that a new project is worthwhile, consider investing in it at the presale stage.


The crypto industry literally has thousands of tokens at any given time that you can invest in and more are being launched every day. Not considering these tokens could see crypto investors losing out on significant profits.

If you’re wondering where to start in your journey, consider the steps above. Make sure you are always learning more about the crypto industry and engaging with the community so you know when promising tokens are coming out. Don’t neglect crypto exchanges and aggregators as these can be wonderful sources of information. In all of this, of course, do your due diligence on each token to avoid being scammed. ​