Cryptocurrency NewsGuides

How World Markets is Using AI to Earn Clients Profits [Sponsored]

By February 7, 2020 No Comments

There are many conversations going on about machine learning and artificial intelligence in the world at the moment. We are at a point where we are increasingly integrating machines into our lives. With seamless integration, machines can take away the challenge of struggling with recurrent and repetitive tasks and let us focus on more qualitative concerns. One of the benefits of the artificial intelligence revolution is that it has seen increased automation in many fields, including finance and investment.

Given the increasing use of artificial intelligence in conventional financial investments, it was only a matter of time before the cryptocurrency market would follow suit. This concept has been exemplified by World Markets by creating trading accounts that are managed by AI. One of the leading names in finance and investment, JP Morgan has been a champion for integrating machine learning in managing operations and from their success, many other entities are fast embracing AI. With more than 75% of trades accounted for through algorithms, it is fair to admit that AI is the future of financial investment.

Managing Emotionalism

If there is a characteristic that is native to the cryptocurrency market, it is high emotionalism. There are many people who have invested in the market driven by sentimentalism. This was particularly evident in the Bitcoin chase in 2017-2018. Speculative traders are present in every market. Developers found it relevant to come up with solutions that would assist such traders and increase their chances of getting profits from their returns. 

In as much as there is a lot of interest in the market about cryptocurrency, many of the investors do not really understand the ins and outs of cryptocurrency. They do not understand the technology behind it, let alone the financial aspect. Such traders, whose sole aim is to make profits, benefit from using artificial intelligence in their trades because it takes away the challenge of dealing with valuation predictions.

Companies like World Markets have since invested in systems that can understand and make decisions in the global financial markets, making it easier for clients to earn profits. The AI systems deployed by World Markets are built to be aggressive, intuitive and innovative enough to outclass the traditional trading systems or decision-making process of a conventional investor in the cryptocurrency market.

Many people struggle with sentimentalism when investing in cryptocurrency. This clouds their judgment, making them buy into currencies without proper research. AI effectively eliminates this problem, giving the traders a good footing in cryptocurrency investment, and making it easier for them to earn revenue.

Transparency in Investment

One of the benefits of using AI in cryptocurrency trading is the huge savings in terms of fees. Most managed investment accounts charge around 30% in fees. On the other hand, AI managed accounts charge around 20%, allowing the investor more savings. Other than that, a lot of traditionally managed accounts come with upfront fee requirements which have proven a challenge for many investors. This is not the case with World Markets trading accounts. There are many other investment instruments available at World Markets that do not attract upfront fees, making this a good investment platform for investors who worry about the traditional costs of investment transactions.

Transparency is one area where many investors struggle to find a reliable partner. There are a lot of trading companies that promise one thing but when you read the fine print, you realize that there are many loopholes through which your earnings potential can be exploited. With World Markets, this is something you don’t have to worry about anymore. Transparency is important in that it creates a level of trust in the business. You don’t have to worry about your account being abused by management as has been the case with many investment companies in the past.

The only fees applicable to your account are charged on your profits. This also means that your account is not charged when you lose a trade, not before the equity is earned back in the market. This is the kind of transparency that many investors seek but is elusive in conventional trading companies.

Securing Your Account

Security is another important feature that you will come to appreciate when dealing with World Markets. Security for World Markets goes beyond protecting your account from abuse. It is also about safeguarding your earnings potential. There are systems in place to mitigate losing positions in the market as much as possible. While it is easy to get into a winning position, maintaining that position with a credible risk level proves a challenge for many investors. Through AI, World Markets is able to do this for you and assure you of significant returns on your investment.

World Markets has intuitive risk management procedures in place to ensure that the systems can determine the risk profile of any position before executing it. Therefore, by the time your account enters into any position, the risks are already weighed and mitigated, such that your exposure is reasonable.

If you have been keen on the happenings in the financial markets over the past few months or years, you will notice that there has been an increase in account breaches. Oblivious of the threats lurking around the internet, many investors have lost a lot of money from account breaches. To mitigate this problem, World Markets has in place military-level encryption to protect client accounts. Other than that, all accounts feature 2-Factor Authentication, so you will always be ahead of the threat.

The management team and traders who handle your account are only allowed Trade-Only access. This means that the only thing they can do with your account is to trade. They cannot transfer funds or execute any other transaction. 

In retrospect, the cryptocurrency and AI are made for each other. Decentralized currencies are traded on the blockchain, so when it comes to profitable trading in cryptocurrency, you can always count on AI to execute thousands of calculations efficiently. This will also help you in as far as analytics needs are concerned. The fact that all this can be done faster than any human can, makes AI your best bet for cryptocurrency investment going forward.