Cryptocurrency NewsGuides

How E-Commerce Platforms are Adapting to More Advanced Payment Options [Sponsored]

By January 14, 2020 No Comments

Many of us can recall the days when only a handful of digital payment methods were offered by major online retailers such as Amazon and eBay. Some options include wire transfers, e-wallets and credit cards. Of course, there are now dozens of alternatives at the disposal of the average buyer. This is great news for sellers who have been hoping to target a larger demographic while simultaneously embracing a greater degree of flexibility. Still, there are a number of other features that have begun to emerge and these are signaling the undeniable fact that payment systems are much more adaptable when compared to the past. The ability to accept cryptocurrencies is one important feature to highlight.


Advanced Plugins to Cater to Unique Seller Requirements

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum once existed solely within the domain of online trading and investing. However, a growing number of consumers are now becoming aware of their benefits in regards to secure and anonymous payments. As data theft and hacking both become more relevant concerns, it stands to reason that payment platforms that are able to accept cryptocurrencies will provide a leading-edge over competitors.

The good news is that the average seller does not need to possess much experience in order to leverage the power of cryptocurrencies. These can be included as another form of payment thanks to simple plugins that may be installed in a matter of seconds. Those who are dealing with a larger audience or who are looking to address the needs of international clients will often employ these alternatives, as they tend to instill a greater sense of confidence across the buying community.

Sophisticated Discounts and Incentive Programmes

While the emerging presence of cryptocurrencies is certainly interesting, this is not the only advancement. A number of unique APIs are also being offered to sellers; providing them with the ability to offer additional incentive programs in order to maintain brand loyalty over time. For example, the Shopify Price Comparison feature allows sellers to:

  • Offer fixed percentage discounts.
  • Provide free shipping to customers.
  • Create unique discount and promotional codes.
  • Include multiple products within a specific bargain package when purchased together.

These possibilities are important for several reasons. Not only will they enable a seller to rise head and shoulders above the masses, but they represent a passive means to attract new buyers.

Now, it needs to be mentioned that even the most advanced payment APIs and the ability to accept cryptocurrencies will not ultimately determine the success or failure of an online marketing campaign. Other metrics such as high-definition images, the use of relevant keywords and structured content with clear bullet points will also come into play. The main purpose of any payment API is to augment a sense of flexibility that should already be present. Still, there is no doubt that a growing number of platforms will begin accepting cryptocurrencies as the need for alternative forms of payment continues to increase.